企業情報 Company Information
- 商号
- Company Name
- 株式会社 ブルズアイ コミュニケーションズ
- 役員
- Directors
- 代表取締役 村山公大 / 常務取締役 大井淳司 / 取締役 本多史英 / 取締役 遠藤英樹
- Kimihiro Murayama, CEO / Junji Ohi, Managing Director / Fumihide Honda, Director and Chief Operating Officer / Hideki Endo, Director
- 所在地
- Office
- 〒104-0042 東京都中央区入船2-3-7 築地エー・アイ・ユービル 7F TEL:03-6275-2756 / FAX:03-6275-2757
- 7F, Tsukiji AIU Bldg, 2-3-7 Irifune, Chuo Ku, Tokyo, 104-0042, Japan TEL:03-6275-2756 / FAX:03-6275-2757
- 資本金
- Capital
- 1000 万円
- 10 million JPY
- 創立
- Establishment
- 2005 年 12 月
- December 2005
- 業務内容
- Business
- 広告業務全般、PR 業務、クリエイティブ業務、マーケティング・コンサルタント業務
- Advertising, Editing, PR, Creative Production, Market Research, Consulting Service
- 従業員
- Employee Number
- 15 名
- 15 people
- 加盟団体
- Affiliated
Organizations - 社団法人 日本雑誌広告協会
- Japan Magazine Advertising Association
代表プロフィール CEO PROFILE
After graduating University and worked for Advertising agency, he had been working at DIAMOND, INC., a business magazine publisher since 1987. In 2002, he became the director of advertising planning department.
After that, he has experienced to be a director of SevenSeas & Company, Ltd., and an executive officer of Esquire Magazine Japan Co., Ltd.
In addition, he has served as the head of the advertising department for "SevenSeas", which is a luxury magazine for wealthy people, and overseas affiliate magazines "Esquire Japan" and then "DEPARTURES Japan".
In 2006, he founded BULLSEYE COMMUNICATIONS Inc.
株式会社 ブルズアイ コミュニケーションズ
〒104-0042 東京都中央区入船2-3-7 築地エー・アイ・ユービル 7F
(有楽町線・新富町駅 7 番出口 徒歩3分/日比谷線・八丁堀駅 A2 出口 徒歩 5 分/日比谷線・築地駅 3 番出口 徒歩 6 分)
TEL: 03-6275-2756
7F, Tsukiji AIU Bldg, 2-3-7 Irifune, Chuo Ku, Tokyo, 104-0042, Japan
(Yurakucho Line Shintomicho Station: Approximately 3 minutes by foot, Hibiya Line hatchobori Station: Approximately 5 minutes by foot , Hibiya Line Tsukiji Station: Approximately 6 minutes by foot)
TEL: +81-3-6275-2756